Soup for the Soul

I am a serious soup maker! I could make soup in my sleep now that’s for sure! A good healthy soup consists of the most important ingredient and that is a homemade bone broth! Bone broth has always been a thing in my kitchen but now it is all of a sudden an obsession.

Vegetable Gnocchi Kale Soup Recipe

2 lbs. of Perdue’s ground chicken

1/2 a tube of Gunnoe’s sausage

1 whole Vidalia onion

6 cloves of garlic crushed

Sauté these until browned and then add these below

2 small zucchini’s chopped up

4 stalks of celery

4 large carrots diced

Sauté a little bit and add spices (garlic salt)

pepper, a shake of red pepper flakes , a few shakes of thyme, Italian seasoning, a touch of this

Add a few bay leaves into the soup! Add one large 28 Oz can of crushed tomatoes and one small 8oz can of tomato sauce and two fresh tomatoes diced up!

This is where you add the homemade bone broth but you can buy it too and you will use at least 8 cups of broth and add that in! Add two or three cups of water!

Then put in chopped fresh French green beans (not frozen) then a half bag of frozen peas and then add half a bag of kale and these gnocchi

Then cook on super low for a while so all the flavors reduce together and then you pour yourself a large bowl of goodness. I add a few slices of jalapeños, diced avocado and a dollop of sour cream to the top of my bowl.

Say goodbye to any sickness when you fill your body full of this healthy goodness!


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One thought on “Soup for the Soul

  1. Marty says:

    Nice recipe. I prefer to make my own bone broth as well. I made homemade cabbage (kapusta) soup yesterday and it tuned great. It is breakfast as well and even better the second day. Soup is so soothing and healthy. Good luck with baseball. Safe travels.


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